Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is man’s oldest form of healing, yet maintains its relevance in today’s society. Throughout the ages all cultures have had their Medicine Man, and at the base of all their treatments you will find a strong herbal lore.

Some people may dismiss this today, yet we find that most drugs were first based on one therapeutic property of a plant, such as digitalis extracted from the foxglove plant for the use of cardiac complaints. With the high cost of drugs and their many side effects, many people are turning back to the herbal world, finding great results with old and new herbs alike. Indeed, many scientific trials have been conducted, and are still being undertaken to verify the effectiveness and safety of the plant medicines.

Herbal extracts (tinctures), capsules or tablets of dried and powdered herb are available for almost any condition or complaint. The parts of the plant used can be the flowers, stems, leaves, roots or all together and even bark from trees and shrubs.

In days gone by, the herbalist would make their own extracts and herbal products. Nowadays there is very strict government legislation for the production of standard herbal products with strict quality control, producing superior products of mostly organic origin.

When used as recommended, herbal products are safe, effective and have no, if minor temporary side effects and are generally cheaper than drugs. They work on all the body systems and contain many nutritional properties such as vitamins and minerals.

Enar and Bemer 3000

Both the Enar and Bemer systems are very effective for pain relief. People suffering from chronic pain due to back or joint problems, chronic headaches, digestive problems and inflammation, will find great relief from their pain. Treatment with these systems will consist of a series of regular short sessions, in which the appliance is placed at the area that needs healing, or a whole body treatment may be used. Other pain relief strategies will be discussed during this treatment. The Enar system is also used for face lifts, scar reduction and rejuvenation of the skin. Contact the office for more information.


Homeopathy is a system of medicine which was developed in the 18th Century by a German physician and chemist, Samuel Hahnemann. In the last 200 years, its effectiveness has been clearly established and today, homeopathy is used worldwide. It is used in the treatment of chronic disease, acute conditions and minor accidents which require first aid.

How does homeopathy differ from conventional medicine?

Conventinal medicine is based on a concept of disease and agents that cause disease (e.g. viruses and bacteria) and the resulting pathological changes. Treatment aims to relieve the symptoms.

Homeopathy views all symptoms as an indication of an underlying state of ill health that affects the whole person, not just one or two body systems.

Treatment aims to alleviate the cause of disease by stimulating the body’s natural immunity and recuperative power.

What does a visit to the homeopath involve?

This may take up to an hour. You will be asked questions related to your physical symptoms and your past medical history. In addition, you may be asked about your eating habits, sleep patterns, lifestyle and about your mental and emotional characteristics, A physical examination may be conducted according to the particular needs of your case.

What type of medicine will be given?

Homeopathic medicine is made from substances derived from plant, animal and mineral sources. They are prepared following strict homeopathic pharmaceutical guidelines and can be given as liquid or globules. The remedy may contain little or none of the original substance but carries its energy and healing stimulating properties.

You may be given a single dose or repeated doses of a single remedy. These small amounts of medicine are sufficient to stimulate the body’s healing process. Where illness developed over a long period of tine, several successive remedies may be needed during the course of weeks or months.

Are there any side effects?

Healing takes place in different ways and reactions to a remedy vary. Sometimes there is immediate healing. Sometimes it begins with and increased feeling of wellbeing even though symptoms initially remain. In some cases, old symptoms recur as part of the healing process. Occasionally, there is a temporary worsening of the symptoms prior to an improvement.

Can homeopathic remedies be taken with conventional medicines?

Because homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s natural immunity, conventional medicines may interfere with the homeopathic effect, but homeopathic remedies do not interfere with medical drugs.

To ensure maximum benefit from your homeopathic medication:

  • The remedy is taken at least half an hour before or after food or drink, or as directed by your practitioner.
  • Avoid taking the remedy immediately after using coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and toothpaste.
  • Some practitioner believe that the taking of coffee lessens the effectiveness of the remedy, especially in individuals sensitive to coffee.
  • Store the remedy away from heat and strong smelling substances such as perfumes, mentholated liniments, medical drugs and camphor.

Herbal Energy

Homeobotanical therapy is a combination of herbal medicine and homeopathy, and provides safe, natural care backed by a thousand years of experience and tradition to restore and maintain robust health. Based on the gentle action of natural herbs, people of all ages can benefit, especially sensitive people.

  • Remedies are made to the patient’s individual needs at the time of consultation.
  • Non-toxic, gentle and naturally sweet.
  • Convenient, reliable, loved by children.
  • A few drops each day is all you need to take.
  • Great for the whole family including your pets.
  • Professionally prepared for best results.

Pregnancy Management

Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation and maybe a little anxiety about the labour and delivery, the new role of the mother and the health of the baby. At this time, the body is producing very high levels of female hormones to maintain pregnancy and there are many changes occuring in the body, which can be cause of symptoms like morning sickness.

If medication is required in pregnancy, homeopathic medicine is one of the safest forms of treatment. As homeopathics are very diluted, there are no molecules or toxic substances that can interfere with the growing baby. The remedies are very effective in cases of morning sickness, and any other unpleasant symtom. Homeopathic medicine is also very effective to start labour if delayed, and during labour to help relieve pain and to gently ease the newborn into the world.

Kinesiology is another treatment that is non-invasive and safe, and can identify imbalances in both mother and the unborn child during gestation, and clear emotional blockages that can prolong labour and delivery.

A few sessions of hypnotherapy from the 6th month of pregnancy may be useful for maximizing an easy and pain free delivery.

If labour is not progressing after a reasonable amount of time, a gentle manipulation at the base of the spine can speed up labour using the Bowen technique which also helps to relax muscles that are sore and tight.

Monthly visits from the time that pregnancy is confirmed is desirable to discuss any concerns and deal with issues such as morning sickness, gestational diabetes, appropriate nutrition for pregnancy and lactation, bladder discomfort, insomnia, low back pain and birthing preparation.

There is a choice of 2 packages, providing you with a benefit of 10% discount:

THE FULL PACKAGE: 8 visits of 1 hour monthly, including kinesiology, massage, nutrition, counselling, hypnotherapy and other treatments as needed. This package includes a kit with remedies to ease labour and any discomfort after delivery. Cost $550. Any other medication required is extra.

THE MINI PACKAGE: 3 visits of 1 hour monthly from the 6th month of pregnancy to prepare for labour. Cost $205. Set of remedies to assist labour and any pain is $20. Any other medication as required is extra.

You may wish to have a personalised package to suit your needs, which can be discussed at the time of your visit or email for more information.

Learning Difficulties, ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia and Brain Power

Learning difficulties, poor memory and concentration, as well as behavioural problems may stem from a range of underlying conditions that mimic or cause the difficulties experienced. These conditions may include the following and need to be checked to assess the nature and extent of the learning or behavioural difficulties experienced:

  • Brain/Head trauma during and after birth (long labour)
  • Brain damage by toxins (bacterial, viral, heavy metals, external, fetal alcohol syndrome)
  • Allergies from food and environment and nutritional deficiencies
  • Autism
  • Hearing impairment
  • Hypo/hyperthyroidism
  • Anemia (iron deficiency)
  • Mental retardation (can also result from heavy metal toxins)
  • Sensory and sleep disorders
  • Seizures


What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

This condition is usually characterised by serious and persistant difficulties resulting in:

  • Poor attention span
  • Weak impulse control

There is a subtype which includes hyperactivity (ADHD), and both forms occur in approximately 6-8 percent of the population, and in 70 percent of children having one or both parents diagnosed with the condition. It occurs more frequently in boys, who outnumber girls by 3 to 1, but girls may be underdiagnosed, as they frequently present without the hyperactivity. This is not a new disease and has been known by other names such as Minimal Brain Dysfunction (MBD) and hyperactivity or conduct disorder.

What are the common symptoms of ADD/ADHD?

  • Excessive fidgeting, squirming and difficulty remaining seated.
  • Difficulty sustaining attention and is easily distracted.
  • Often talks incessantly, interrupts and blurts out answers to questions.
  • Difficulty following instructions, playing quietly and shifting from one activity to another or awaiting turns in games.
  • Often loses things and engages in dangerous activities, like playing with fire.

How is it diagnosed?

To qualify for a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD, a child must exhibit a number of the above symptoms for a period longer than 6 months and have appeared before the age of 7 years, and the underlying causes need to be identified and treated.

Are there other complications of this disease?

While some children may outgrow the disease by puberty, many other problems can interfere in adulthood. A recent survey in the USA found that 75 percent of untreated children had addictions to alcohol and drugs as well as being sugar junkies, which may lead ultimatly to diabetes. There may be Central Nervous System (CSN) complications leading to:

  • Learning disabilities
  • TIC disorders
  • Gross and fine motor control delays, such as co-ordination (may be accident prone) in 50 percent of ADD children and other developmental delays such as speech
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders

What does the treatment involve?

There is no simple treatment, and each child needs to be assessed individually. The medical history, previous illnesses and medication received need to be checked as well as food preferences, checking for allergies, intolerances and heavy metals, thyroid function, cranial function and nutritional deficiencies and a treatment plan will be prepared.

What is the treatment plan?

The treatment plan addresses many factors and is an individual program for each person concerned. It includes the following aspects:

PHYSICAL, Cranial function and head injury, Processing of visual and auditory material Equilibrium and centering, reading, writing and numbers, cross patterning and crossing midline, brain integration and temporo-mandibular (TMJ) function.

NUTRITION, Allergy testing and correction, establish correct individual diet, test for nutritional supplements if needed and natural medicines.

BEHAVIOURAL PATTERNS, daydreaming, difficulty making decisions, time management, concentration, motivation and difficulty following or giving directions.

EMOTIONAL, self image and self worth, confidence, sabotage, addictions and motivation.

The treatment plan consists of 6 to 8 weekly sessions initially, depending on the severity of the problem. Regular check ups are required thereafter as the child is growing or has had an injury or fall. This may be from 1 to 4 visits a year.


What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is really a group of conditions dealing with the inability to process language, whether it is spoken, written or symbolic. It presents as a”glitch” in the brain’s computer, whereby the afflicted person has trouble understanding words in normal conversation “seeing” or analyzing and understanding letters, words or numbers, remembering names, has a poor time concept and directionality, needs to re-read many times, has poor co-ordination and balance and takes a long time to learn things.

This complex disability is a combination of disorganizations in the central nervous system, and there are many deficits: digestion, scoliosis, allergies and intolerances, posture, gaits and cranial bone patterns.

This disorder does not stem from a brain disorder or trauma, in fact, brain scans of the cerebrum have been shown to be perfectly normal, if not extraordinary, as the dyslextic brain has the ability to “think outside the box”, in other words, can perform many functions simultaneously, even though the neuronal wiring of dyslexics make reading difficult. Many famous people, scientists, artists and business people are/were dyslexic (Einstein, Thomas Eddison, Agatha Christie, Tom Cruise, Walth Disney, Whoopi Goldberg). As their brains are wired differently, dyslexics are often skilled problem solvers, arriving at solutions in a novel way. However, the struggle that dyslexic children have to overcome language problems, can cause them to drop out of school, withdraw from family and friends or even attempt suicide, if self confidence/self worth is low.

The dyslexic brain tends to think in pictures and concepts, which is much faster than thinking in words. So, if the brain cannot make a picture of the word, it is hard to recognise the word.

How is dyslexia diagnosed?

Your child may be behind in reading and wrting, reading and writing words or letters backwards, i.e “was” may be written as “saw”, the letters “b” and “d” may be reversed, and the child may may be having poor handwriting. The child may be memorizing rather than reading a book or trouble rhyming words. If a teacher is finding difficulty with reading, this should be brought to attention as early as possible. If caught early, the problem can be reversed. If not treated or diagnosed in childhood, it is not too late to treat as adult, and many adults benefit from treatment or have found other technology such as voice recognition software to help with study and exams. However, dyslexics may have to work harder to become skilled readers.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging has been able to determine which areas in the brain are active during reading and speaking. The frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain is active in vocalizing words (silent or out loud), while the parietal lobe of the left brain analyzes the word. The occipital lobe of the left brain is involved in automating the process of recognizing words (an automatic detector). In the dyslexic brain, the neurological “glitch” prevents the brain from easily accessing the regions involved, the word analyzer and the automatic detector, and may recruit areas in the right brain that process visual clues, such as a picture accompanying the word.

What does the treatment involve?

As for ADD/ADHD, early intervention gives the best results for dyslexics, and ideally, children should be screened in kindergarten to minimize educational delay and to preserve self confidence.

Many of the physical, emotional and cranial factors as for ADD need to be addressed for dyslexia and in addition, special exercises will be given to create new nerve pathways in the brain, to be able to “see” the letters or words correctly.

The number of sessions may be very few or many depending on how well the program is adhered to and if the exercises are done regularly at home. Any other medical and cranial patterns will need to be addressed as well.

Brain Power

Do you find that you forget important appointments or dates? Or cannot remember what you did yesterday?

Do you want to be a super learner?

Brain power is useful at any age, and the old saying “use it – or lose it” is very much applicable for mental function. Brain aging does not occur with age, but with lack of use.

An assessment of memory and concentration will be done at the first session. Frequently, it is not lack of memory, but no focus, attention to, or awareness of what is being said or done.The brain, just like any other part of the body needs particular nutrients, water and oxygen, and there may be brain allergies that prevent full function or cause psychological disturbances. Therefore, nutrition, allergy testing, brain integration and cranial work will be carried out to enhance brain power. An individual program will be made to suit each person’s requirements, integrating visual, auditory and sensory processing.

Special study techniques and exercises may form part of the program.


Nutrition is the study of what gets into the cells of the body for survival. In order to function at optimal performance, the body needs macronutrients, (carbodhydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). These are generally supplied in the food that we eat. However, in order to supply the body with the daily required amount of these nutrients, we need to eat a large variety of foods, preferably home grown, organic and unprocessed foods In practise, this does not happen. Foods have been processed to prolong their shelf life with many chemical additives, and have been grown with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. In many cases, the processed food such as breakfast cereals are so depleted, that the manufacturers have to put back the lost vitamins and minerals due to the manufacturing process. If its not in the food then where are you going to get it? The only prudent answer is that you may have to supplement even the best diet that you can eat with natural vitamins, and good quality, bio-available minerals and herbs.

Many times, allergies and food sensitivities or intolerances and dehydration result from a diet lacking in adequate quantities of vitamins and minerals, as well as vegetables and fruit, whole grains, protein, healthy fats and water, and frequently the same foods are eaten daily, not providing a seasonal variety. This can be a major cause of many health complaints that a person may be suffering from. Using food rotation or Kinesiology, allergies and food sensitivities can be identified and treated very effectively, and nutritional imbalances corrected.


Aromatherapy is an ancient therapeutic treatment that enhances, well-being, relieves stress and helps in the rejuvenation and regeneration of the human body. The method of massaging essential oils into the body using different techniques has been used throughout history in the medical practices of the world’s great civilizations. Today it is recognised by orthodox practitioners as one of the most natural and beneficial of alternative therapies.

Essential oils are a vital part of aromatherapy. Essential oils are pure, aromatic essences which are extracted or distilled from flowers, trees, herbs and fruits; all oils have their own unique properties. Essential oils are used for relieving stress or nervous system related disorders, and their action is either stimulating, sedating or rejuvenating. Certain essences aid circulation and all oils can be used to treat a large range of conditions.

The essences are highly concentrated and are usually blended with a pure vegetable carrier oil, such as cold pressed almond or olive oil, which are then massaged into the skin. The skin, absorbing these oils distributes the therapeutic properties throughout the body system via the bloodstream.

Other ways to experience the benefits of essential oils is to place a few drops in a diffuser or vaporizer to disinfect or deodorize a room, or added to a bath, supplying strong healing qualities and enhancing the calming effects of warm water to relax body and mind.

Essential oils can be used effectively for:

  • First Aid
  • Chronic conditions
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • The common cold
  • Natural skin and hair care
  • Natural household cleansers
  • Natural pest control
  • To calm emotions and the mind
  • Memory and recall of information
  • Addictions
  • Balances hormones
  • Pregnancy and labour
  • Infant care

Can Aromatherapy help me?

Aromatherapy can benefit everyone. There are many conditions which can be helped by this technique ranging from skin problems, to stress and ordinary every day aches and pains. You don’t have to be ill to consult a therapist. Many people find that their sleep patterns and energy levels are improved as well as having a more relaxed mind and body.

Art Therapy

Through any form of creative expression, whether this is working on paper, canvas, with clay or any other medium, we experience a stillness and inner peace and a calming of emotions.

In particular the art of “doodling” allows expression of the inner mind, and is a useful tool in gaining clarity in patterns in relationships or behaviours. Once insight has been gained, kinesiology and counselling can transform the outdated patterns into more useful ones. Often a pattern or behaviour started in childhood as a useful coping mechnism, but the pattern remains long after its “use by date”. By becoming aware of the issues involved it is easy to adopt a new useful pattern, such as becoming more confident and assertive.

Any art or craft completed by the client may be brought in for therapy: photography, drawings, needlework etc. If no art or craft has been done in the past, some simple doodling exercises will be given to bring to the next session. It is not about creating master pieces (although that will inevitably happen), but expression of the self through the art form.

Another option is to take the intuitive drawing classes taught in the clinic. The student works on a choosen theme which may be a current problem to be resolved, like a health concern or relationship difficulties, and through the different exercises allows expression of the issues involved.

The drawings/art and craft works are then used in a personal consultation using kinesiology to identify the main issues and the various relating stressors and ages when they occurred, and blockages cleared.

Usually between 2 to 4 session are needed depending on the number of issues emerging.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a fast and non-invasive technique involving the acupuncture points on the meridians to eliminate all negative emotions such as fears, guilt, depression, anger, grief, traumatic memories, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, nightmares and behaviours that are not useful, all limiting emotions in sports, business and the performing arts. It usually only takes minutes to perform and the result is permanent.

The negative emotions are coded in our energy fields and causes a disruption in the body’s energy system. This limits our potential and may sap our energy. However, if a memory does not cause a disruption in the body’s energy system, then a negative emotion cannot occur. That is why some people are bothered by their memories causing an imbalance in their energy system, while others do not. EFT recognises that there is only “one basic cause” to the negative emotions, and therefore the correction is simple and applies for all conditions.

Relief is experienced immediately, but in some cases, (such as additions and overweight) homework may be given to reinforce the effect.

Flower Essences, Gem and Shell Essences

Flower Essences

Flower essences have been in use for centuries by many cultures including the Egyptians, Aboriginals and Europeans. Paracelsus, the mystic and healer of the 15th century first recorded the use of flower essences to treat emotional imbalances.

Dr Bach, a highly respected medical doctor, pathologist and bacteriologist concluded as had other physicians such as Dr Hahneman, the founder of homeopathy, that good health was the result of emotional, spiritual and mental balance, and that when he treated the emotional and psychological factors affecting his patients, their diseases were cured. He claimed that disease was caused by emotional imbalance and that all disease was the physical manifestation of this imbalance.

Over time, he developed remedies that corresponded to twelve states of mind:

  1. Fear
  2. Terror
  3. Mental torture or worry
  4. Indecision
  5. Indifference or boredom
  6. Doubt or discouragement
  7. Over concern
  8. Weakness
  9. Self distrust
  10. Impatience
  11. Over enthousiasm
  12. Pride or aloofness

He initially developed “The Twelve Healers” in 1932 (known as the Bach flowers) and later other remedies that corresponded to the emotional states. He believed that medicines should not cause severe reactions, nor be harmful or unpleasant to take, and that their effect would be gentle and sure to heal the body and mind.

There are numerous types of flower essences: The Australian Bush Flowers,The Western Australian Bush Flowers, The Californian flower essences, The Dessert Alchemy flower essences, Essences of Change, Innate Healing Essences, just to name a few.

Gem Essences

Gemstones of the mineral kingdom have been consistently used in many ancient cultures for healing, as found in records in Egypt and India. Gemstones stimulate healing within the physical body based upon the principles of resonance or harmony and vibration. All things are in a constant state of vibration and in a constant system of harmonics and resonancy, and therefore, gems have a direct vibrational impact on the molecular structure.

Popular gemstones such as diamond, ruby and emerald have wonderful healing properties for the whole system, including the heart, the brain, the nervous system and circulation.

Shell Essences

The mystery and beauty of shells has whispered to us over the ages. We still feel a hint of awe when we hear the sound of the waves magically locked within the curves of a conch or touch the shimmering silvered surface of a pearl shell. Shells were revered during our more primitive lives as receptacles of shamanic power, symbols of currency and status and items of adornment.

Shell essences are a new vibrational healing order. They have been given to the world at this time to help people evolve towards a more loving harmonious life on this planet. The shell essences were made to help us to re-connect to divinity and to heal our lives on all levels.

Shell essences are safe and gentle but allow very profound healing by correcting and rebalancing the ancient energy flows which cause difficulty and dysfunction instead of health and happiness.

Shell essences blend well with all healing modalities and allow very effective healing in areas not easily accessed by herbs or nutritional therapy.