
Nutrition is the study of what gets into the cells of the body for survival. In order to function at optimal performance, the body needs macronutrients, (carbodhydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). These are generally supplied in the food that we eat. However, in order to supply the body with the daily required amount of these nutrients, we need to eat a large variety of foods, preferably home grown, organic and unprocessed foods In practise, this does not happen. Foods have been processed to prolong their shelf life with many chemical additives, and have been grown with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. In many cases, the processed food such as breakfast cereals are so depleted, that the manufacturers have to put back the lost vitamins and minerals due to the manufacturing process. If its not in the food then where are you going to get it? The only prudent answer is that you may have to supplement even the best diet that you can eat with natural vitamins, and good quality, bio-available minerals and herbs.

Many times, allergies and food sensitivities or intolerances and dehydration result from a diet lacking in adequate quantities of vitamins and minerals, as well as vegetables and fruit, whole grains, protein, healthy fats and water, and frequently the same foods are eaten daily, not providing a seasonal variety. This can be a major cause of many health complaints that a person may be suffering from. Using food rotation or Kinesiology, allergies and food sensitivities can be identified and treated very effectively, and nutritional imbalances corrected.