Neurological Organisational Technique – N.O.T.

The Neural Organizational Technique got its name from exactly what it intended to do. Neural is for nerve, Organizational is obviously for organization and Technique is a way of doing. It is a way of organizing the nervous system and therefore the body it controls.

This neural organization is the very thing which has given us the ability to survive and function under every possible situation. Some of the outward signs are the co-ordination of our stride or “gait”, when we walk and run, our sense of balance and posture, hand-eye coordination, sense of direction etc.

The organized neurological function of the brain itself depends on the very subtle and synchronous respiratory motion of the bone of the skull, which pumps the cerebral spinal fluid. This is responsible for proper drainage and circulation within the brain and skull. We must consider the many reflex (automated) neurological functions which centre the pelvis to gravity and to the head, and those which right the head to gravity, the environment and the pelvis to maintain the alignment of the spine. Using Kinesiology as a tool of evaluation we are ably to identify and correct these dysfunctions and as a result we see dramatic changes take place, almost immediately.

By dealing with CAUSES and NOT SYMPTOMS we are able to correct many dysfunctions and conditions which have often been difficult to treat in the past. Such conditions as:

Whiplash and head injuries

Cranial or head injury is probably the most undiagnosed, and therefore untreated physical problem. Because injury involves nerves and muscles that hold the head on the shoulders, a system of reactive muscles comes into play and this also affects the stability of the hips and pelvis, becoming a major player in the cause of lower back pain!

Temporo-Mandibular Joint

Research by Dr. Ferreri D.C., has led to the understanding of the cause of and the treatment from such diverse conditions as bed wetting, bladder incontinence, uterine and prostate problems, respiratory and circulatory problems stemming from diaphragmatic insufficiency, all sorts of back problems, and other health conditions. As further research was done, the sequence of taking food into the mouth, biting on it, chewing it thoroughly and then swallowing it (the feeding sequence) specifically related to the neurological control of the sequence of the digestive mechanism. The jaw or TMJ is also involved when we speak, when we are in pain, when we are emotionally stressed, plus many more situations. It takes up over 80% of our brain’s function! We may also have clicking jaws, face pain and tinnitus. There is a close relationship between the jaw and the sacrum, often contributing to lower back ain and it is also involved with Dyslexia and Scoliosis.

Dyslexia and ADD/ADHD

Dyslexia and ADD often involve eye tracking and auditory processing difficulties. This means that the child cannot focus attention on what is seen or heard for very long. We have found that at the base of may of these problems is a disorganised nervous system. Many times there is a head injury, often from birth or accident or falls as a baby. When the various reflexes for the eyes, ears, TMJ are evaluated and re-activated, the child or adult begins to process the information in a more meaningful way. This, of course, is what parents and teachers are looking for and is found in the N.O.T. program! Often there will be emotional problems and food allergies to deal with.

Idiopathic Scoliosis

Scoliosis is NOT A SPINAL PROBLEM – the deformity of the spine is a result of having a condition we call scoliosis (curvature of the spine). The cause of the bending comes from having hypertonic or too-tight muscles pulling in a constant way, causing a rotation and bending of the spine over a period of time. Generally, an injury to certain reflexes found on the head and pelvis, both front and back, along with certain hormonal changes around the start of puberty is the major cause. NOT can correct this situation.

NOT can also help with many other conditions, such as:

  • Immune disorders
  • Endocrine and diabetes
  • Down’s Syndrome
  • High blood pressure
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Asthma
  • Epilepsy
  • MS
  • Cardiac dysfunction