
Manual muscle monitoring was originally developed to evaluate function for the assessment of insurance claims by Physical Therapists Kendall, Kendall and Wadworth in the late 1940’s.

Kinesiology is a gentle, safe and non-invasive system of muscle biofeedback monitoring to evaluate and correct the relationship between specific muscles and their related organs, organ systems, glands and emotions.
If there is a “stressor” in the interrelated system, such as an injury, chemical imbalance or emotional stress, the stressor will interrupt the neurological flow between the muscle and the central nervous system

It was a specific diagnostic technique of the broader field of Kinesiology, which is the study of motion in the human body and the movement of muscles, joints and limbs. The tests were designed to isolate a single muscle (or muscle group) in the most contracted state to see if a mutually applied force could be resisted. This is not a measure of strength, which relates to body size, but rather a dynamic test of the muscle’s neurological integrity, or ability to lock. A “strong” or locking muscle will resist the pressure while a “weak” or unlocking muscle will be slow to respond, or give way altogether. Muscles can only achieve power by contracting.Throughout the body there are opposing muscles, which work with and against each other to create movement, posture and stability. When muscles are in a relaxed state, they still have muscle tone allowing for contraction when needed.

Balancing the structural, chemical, spiritual and psychological aspects of a person is encouraged through the method of muscle biofeedback testing.

Kinesiology can be used for a variety of acute and chronic conditions such as:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Back and joint problems
  • Digestive disorders
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Learning difficulties
  • Stress and trauma
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Immune function

Or to improve performance, for personal development, and empowerment. The corrections are done by stimulation of the reflex points of the vascular and lymphatic systems, acupressure, massage and diet. In a balanced state the body’s ability to heal is maximised.

There are many modalities of kinesiology practised today. Irena is an accredited lecturer in four different modalities (described below), which are also used in the clinic. These courses are taught on a regular basis throughout the year as well as other self-help techniques to maintain optimal health, or to help family and friends. Details and programmes are available through the courses button.
Touch for Health

In the 1970’s, Dr. John Thie D.C., a chiropractor from Pasadena, California wrote a book we call “The Green Book”. It was written for the lay, non-professional person for use at home. The Touch for Health manual has been translated into over 15 different languages and is used in over 35 countries around the world, and the course is internationally accredited by the International Kinesiology College in Switzerland.

Touch for Health forms the basis on which every other modality of Kinesiology has been built. There are now about around 30 modalities developed around the world by practitioners, instructors and researchers.

Touch for Health identifies the relationship between 14 muscles, 14 organs and 14 meridians. Traditional Chinese Medicine uses a system called the Chinese Time Clock or the Wheel to show that meridian energy flows from one meridian and one organ to the next. It also considers the seasons and the elements in a system called The 5 Elements. Using this as a template, a person using the principle of Touch for Health is able to identify muscle/organ imbalances in order to balance the energy flows to improve posture, eliminate pain and improve physical and mental performance. Corrections involve gentle massage of the neuro-lymphatic reflexes on the body, holding neuro-vascular points located on the head or running meridians.